[plug] [rant] 2.6 Kernels

Michael Collard quadfour at iinet.net.au
Wed Sep 1 17:05:56 WST 2004

On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 16:40, Leon Blackwell wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 01, 2004 at 04:16:34PM +0800, Michael Collard wrote:
> > With the number of bugs, its resembling something that Microsoft make.
> Hey... let's not get nasty  :)

Thats not nasty. Nasty would be installing windows.

> > the kernel has stability problems with nvidia drivers causing lockups
> > etc.
> Are you running the most recent nvidia drivers?  There were some issues
> with earlier versions, but nvidia has fixed these.  Of course, if nvidia
> had released code for their drivers, I'm sure they would have been fixed
> long before then  :)

Been down that road. I'm running 6111 which are really great NVidia
drivers. I've already proven the kernel to be the cause of the lockups.
AFAIK, all versions pre will cause lock ups after a week or
so. Most mine made it was 5 days on 2.6.7 or 2.6.3 kernel.

> > So far the least broken kernel I've found is which only has
> > one of the problems mentioned above. More or less just wanted to give
> > all the pluggers a warning about recent 2.6 kernels, don't want other
> > people to go through what I've been through. 
> I have to say I'm in the "concerned" camp with regard to the way the
> linux kernel is now being developed.  Without stable/unstable branching,
> I just don't see how we're going to ensure that end users get a usable
> product.  At this point, the idea seems to be to leave this to the
> distros, who will pick and choose stable patches, rather than simply
> moving through the kernel versions as they are released.
> people at this point, and "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

This is pretty much the point I'm making. I though the 2.[1,3,5,7].
kernels were meant to be the unstable ones. So far from the 2.6 tree, I
see 3 versions (including RC) that I would consider running on my
hardware. I mean, I am not meant to be finding bugs in the kernel, I'm
nowhere near as knowledgeable as the actual kernel developers. 

I didn't even get a acknowledgement of my bug report to the LKML (Linux
Kernel Mailing List) about my reproducible loop oops bug. I mean, f@&K,
I don't even know if it will be fixed or if my posts were just ignored.
You can understand how I'm caught between a user and a developer. I
don't want to fix this stuff, just use it(tm).

Michael Collard

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