[plug] Recommendations for 64Bit Linux? Experience installing it?

Bernd Felsche bernie at innovative.iinet.net.au
Mon Sep 13 09:26:31 WST 2004

On Monday 13 September 2004 08:53, Rod wrote:
> I know this has been covered a few weeks back, but can anyone
> *recommend* a 64 bit linux distro that:
> a) Works  :-)

SuSE 9.1, with a few caveats, especially on laptops.

> b) Successfully dual boots with XP

XP runs 64-bit? :-)

SuSE 9.1 -- usually; after you do a cleanup and defrag.

NB: defrag always sounds to me like somebody set of a hand grenade.

> c) And has had experience in using it

Not personally... but see

There's a link to the corresponding AMD64 mailing list on that page.

> As much as I detest Windows, at the moment it is a necessary evil that I
> must endure for work.  But I do want to start getting to grips with
> Linux properly, and would like a 64 bit distro that does take advantage
> of my AMD 64.

Let me know if you're coming to the next PLUG workshop and I'll burn
you a copy of the 64-bit DVD from the 9.1 distro.

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