[plug] crashing server
Rob Dunne
Rob.Dunne at csiro.au
Wed Sep 15 07:50:07 WST 2004
Hi guys,
thanks for all the help. I have made some progress.
The program seg faults for me and crashes the machine (freezes it,
I have to press the restart button) when another user runs it.
The difference is I have
% limit | grep core
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
wheres the other user mentions the creation of core files. If I set
"limit coredumpsize unlimited" then I can crash the machine as well.
In fact if I set
coredumpsize 8192 kbytes
I can crash it.
It seems to me that this program should neither seg fault or crash the
machine. Also if the program creates a core file then that should not
crash the machine either.
The description of the code (dotprod_mutex.c)
is given below.
* FILE: dotprod_mutex.c
* This example program illustrates the use of mutex variables
* in a threads program. This version was obtained by modifying the
* serial version of the program (dotprod_serial.c) which performs a
* dot product. The main data is made available to all threads through
* a globally accessible structure. Each thread works on a different
* part of the data. The main thread waits for all the threads to complete
* their computations, and then it prints the resulting sum.
* SOURCE: Vijay Sonnad, IBM
* LAST REVISED: 9/20/98 Blaise Barney
Rob Dunne Fax: +61 2 9325 3200 Tel: +61 2 9325 3263
CSIRO Mathematical and Information Sciences +61 2 9325 3100
Locked Bag 17, North Ryde, New South Wales, Australia, 1670
http://www.bioinformatics.csiro.au Email: Rob.Dunne at csiro.au
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