[plug] Kernel upgardes via apt-get

Rennie renene at barekoala.net
Sat Sep 25 09:38:19 WST 2004

On Friday 24 September 2004 19:03, Craig Ringer wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-09-24 at 12:49, Rennie wrote:
> > Unfortunately, due to it being critical to the running of my work place,
> > I didn't look further in to diagnosing the problem and just reboot to
> > the old kernel.
> This may be a silly question, but if the machine is critical why are you
> upgrading the 2.6 kernel? If there's a reason, then cool - but if you
> don't have a good reason, I'd advise you to stay at 2.4.something until
> you _do_ have a need to upgrade.

My description of the situation was not very good. The machine in question is 
actual a DHCP server and internet gateway. It is "critical" in that when it 
stops the boss makes noises like "where is the internet?...blah blah.. Bloody 
computers". Oh how quickly they forget how things used to be when this job 
was being _handled_ by a win box.

Anyhow it's not really that important and I was trying for 2.6.* because the 
numbers are bigger ;). Maybe that should be the first thing I try - install a 
new 2.4.* kernel. Currently it's running on 2.4.18-bf2.4 which I'm guessing 
is way too out of date.

> If you do wish to upgrade, why not do it on a test box first so you
> understand the process before doing it on the main machine?

I've performed a kernel upgrade via apt-get on another PC at the office and 
all went well. The only significant difference I can see between the 2 
machines is that the one which worked (kernel upgarded via apt) had the 
initrd boot method installed right from the start.

> > my co-worker's web browsing.
>      co-workers'

There are 3 and English is not my strongest skills. I'll attempt to remember 
that one because I appreciate the importance of punctuation in conveying the 
most amount of information with the least expense, or maybe that should read 
"..conveying maximum information with minimal expense". Was it Mark Twain who 
said "If I had more time I'd write you a shorter letter"? Whoever it was, 
great quote.

> :-P
> --
> Craig Ringer
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