[plug] spamo-disaster :(

Shayne O'Neill shayne at guild.murdoch.edu.au
Wed Sep 29 16:28:00 WST 2004

(am over sydney atm)

The guy I left in charge of the guild server thought it would be nice to
install an open proxy server. Infact such a good idea it didnt even need
consulting with me!


Log in today to check my email. machine running like a pig

seem some spammer found it and routed 2000 cubic tonnes of spam via it
(exim relays from localhost alone...... including proxy)

Killed the relay. Wrote angry email to babysitter. Smashed up exim to kill
the queue


It pans out we are now listed on a bunch of spam db's.

Any suggestions on getting off those things?

Also. I am going to rain chaos and fire on a certain person when I get
back to work in a fortnite!

"Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do
it, that's trustworthiness."
-- George Bush on CNN online chat, Aug.30, 2000
RIAA Copyright notice trap: http://guild.murdoch.edu.au/~shayne/

On Wed, 29 Sep 2004, Joel Johnson wrote:

> James Devenish wrote:
> > There are two jjohnsons subscribed to PLUG. I have disabled delivery for
> > your @sirrah-comp.com address, as it was not disabled. If this was the
> > address you disabled earlier today, I am not sure why the setting would
> > have come unstuck.
> Thanks James, had forgotten about the second address. Had set it up so
> that I could send messages via either account without them being held up
> (and had originally setup one of them not to deliver messages).
> Obviously I was trying to change the wrong address.
> Any chance of PLUG's mailing list system having a feature similar to
> SAGE's whereby you can add secondary e-mail addresses to the profile?
> Basically a way of saying that e-mails from a PLUG member might come
> from this address or that address or this other address.
> Joel.
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