[plug] Time to install SuSE 9.1 pro from DVD?

Craig Ringer craig at postnewspapers.com.au
Thu Sep 30 08:15:14 WST 2004

On Thu, 2004-09-30 at 08:07, Senectus . wrote:

> > ps: Still bummed about missing the workshop. The b/f found out it was up
> > 2 flights of stairs :(

> uh.. why did that stop you?

Suddenly I find myself imagining someone lugging a serious Sun server up
to the UCC loft. Something like this:

Having assisted a housemate with piling a server of similar size to that
one into a car, I can assure you the very thought of trying to get one
up to UCC - even with eight people - isn't a fun one.

Nonetheless, I think that's unlikely to be the reason for avoiding the
stairs in this case.

Craig Ringer

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