[plug] ndiswrapper - debian
Onno Benschop
onno at itmaze.com.au
Sun Apr 10 09:20:18 WST 2005
At 3am this morning, I finally came up with something that actually
works, so if the ndiswrapper HOWTO doesn't work for you and you get the
following error using their suggestion: (fakeroot debian/rules binary)
*** No rule to make target `modules'. Stop.
Try this as a solution instead: (the magic line is item#5)
1. cd /usr/src
2. tar jxvf ndiswrapper-source.tar.bz2
3. ln -s {kernel source} linux
4. cd linux
5. fakeroot make-kpkg modules_image
6. cd ..
7. dpkg -i ndiswrapper*.deb
That created the appropriate .deb, which installed without a problem. (I
still have the symlink in /lib/modules/{kernel version}/build to the
same linux source, but I don't think it is needed.)
For completeness, this was to install:
0000:00:09.0 Ethernet controller: Belkin Wireless PCI Card -
F5D6001 (rev 20)
lspci -n
0000:00:09.0 0200: 1799:6001 (rev 20)
Other steps to success were:
Get the WinXP drivers from the realtek site, or their mirror:
Extract the files
Add the following to /etc/sysctl.conf
kernel.shmmax = 67108864
kernel.shmall = 67108864
Then run
sysctl -p
Not sure if the syctl update and command are now needed, I used it
when I was trying to install the Belkin drivers which didn't work
they gave this error:
ndiswrapper: driver net6001p (Belkin Corporation,11/05/2002, 1.68.1105.2002) loaded
__alloc_pages: 6-order allocation failed (gfp=0x20/0)
ndiswrapper (NdisMAllocateSharedMemory:1004): Failed to allocate DMA coherent memory. Windows driver requested 240816 bytes of un-cached memory
ndiswrapper (ndiswrapper_add_one_pci_dev:188): Windows driver couldn't initialize the device (C0000001)
Install the file using ndiswrapper:
ndiswrapper -i NET8180.INF
ndiswrapper -d 1799:6001 net8180
modprobe ndiswrapper
That gave me a wlan0 device which you can then just treat as a normal
network card.
Onno Benschop
Connected via Optus B3 at S25°34'41" - E152°35'34" (Graham's Creek, QLD)
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