[plug] Crontab Permissions

Martin marty at supine.com
Fri Aug 19 09:50:49 WST 2005

as per Bill's suggestion, can you show us what groups you are part of on
both machines?

ie. 'groups tim'

$quoted_author = "Timothy White" ;
> drwx-wx--T  2 root   crontab 4096 2005-08-18 22:44 crontabs

anyone in the crontab group should be able to install a crontab given the wx
perms on the directory.


If this is the end I'm taking over
This is the first time I've been out
In what feels like so long, I've been let down.
It feels like a landslide has taken a part of me out,
That I've never found

"Landslide" - Rhubarb

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