[plug] Grayscale printing

Adam Davin byteme-its at westnet.com.au
Sun Aug 21 21:52:36 WST 2005

Hello all, 

I have been googling for this for a while and not come up with anything

I am want to be able to force colour documents to grayscale and cannot
find (if one even exists) a '-o' lp option that allows this. I am
printing to an "Epson ALC 1900" colour laser printer using cups with the
Epson ALC1900 ppd file. Is there any way I can do a:

lp -s -dEpsonALC1900 /path/to/document.pdf -o something=force-grayscale

Basically I want to be able to force grayscale for all those
nasty pdfs etc that think its great to have a nonwhite background. Using
Openoffice or other GUI programs I can select "grayscale" as an option,
but I can't find how to set this on the command line.

Thanks in Advance, 



Adam Davin
Byteme IT Services
Mob: 0422 893 898
Email: byteme-its at westnet.com.au

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