[plug] Recommended Distro for lo spec computer? [UNCLASSIFIED]

Timothy White weirdo at tigris.org
Tue Feb 8 18:20:10 WST 2005

Clark Julian wrote:

>*Window Managers*
>I've not much experience with other window managers though, I personally
>use KDE and love it, though I imagine it may be a bit heavy for such an
>old machine.
>I was thinking of a simple window manager (WM), something in the order
>of fluxbox or icewm (or heaven forbid, TWM, actually, that's NOT a
>Does anyone know what WM the computer angels distro ships with?
Xfce4. Light, good looking, fast. Easy to use. For a low end machine KDE
and Gnome are out of the question.

>Does anyone know of comparisons between various window managers;
>limitations and advantages perhaps?
>(I'd Google but I'm behind a very restrictive firewall)
>I'd imagine a limited menu structure and basic icons would be ideal.
>*Word processing / Spreadsheets*
>Any suggestions as to alternatives to openoffice.
>I'd say she's been using MS Word and Excel for many years. My first
>thoughts were for OpenOffice. AbiWord could also be a consideration.
If you have enough RAM and swap then openoffice.

>Any other suggestions?
>She's using dialup.
>Can dialup be handled by a shell script, or are there pretty gui's that
>do the same?
pon, poff. There are small and pretty GUI's that can be used.

>*CD Burning*
>K3B was going to be my suggestion.
>It seems to me to be the most logical Linux cd burning app that I've
>seen. Any other suggestions?


Tim White - Use the Fox, Luke!
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