[plug] Possible problem with memory leaks

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Mon Feb 21 13:09:25 WST 2005

I have an ongoing problem with the memory usage with the Linux 
installation that I am using.

I am running Debian Sarge, and I run various web browsers, including 
Mozilla 1.7.5, Konqueror 3.3.2, and Galeon. When I run the first two, 
and, especially when I run multiple browser windows of Mozilla, the 
memory usage keeps increasing, but, when the application is closed, and, 
when I close all applications that are visible, so that no tasks are 
shown in the task bar, the memory is not released, so that, with 768MB 
of RAM, I have 90-100% memory usage, with the system idling - no tasks 
in the task bar.

If I log out, and log in again, after a few minutes, or, after 
"overnight", the memory usage appears to remain.

The memory usage is indicated by the image thing that sits in the task 
bar one of three, being "Processor", "Memory", and "Load Average".

When booted, or rebooted, the "Memory" thing shows 29% memory usage, 
but, after I have closed applications, it does not drop below 89% memory 

In running top, after closing the visible tasks, Mozilla does not show 
as running, and the tasks that are listed, appear to total no more than 
a couple of hundred MB, certainly nowhere near the several hundred MB 
that are shown as being used.

I am in a situation when the system has to be rebooted after every few 
hours of use, as something apparently hidden, is apparently using up all 
of the memory, and not releasing it.

Does anyone have any idea as to what is going on, and how to fix it?

Thank you in anticipation.

Bret Busby
West Australia

"So once you do know what the question actually is,
  you'll know what the answer means."
- Deep Thought,
   Chapter 28 of
   "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:
   A Trilogy In Four Parts",
   written by Douglas Adams,
   published by Pan Books, 1992 

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