[plug] A Debian way of life.

Brad Campbell brad at wasp.net.au
Tue Jan 18 18:45:32 WST 2005

I just sent this to another LUG as a response to a barb, then I thought some of you might relate :p)

Hi, my name is Brad and I love dselect.

I knew I had a problem when the first thing I noticed in the morning on the way to the packet of 
cornflakes was my Debian CD sitting on the counter. I knew it was bad for me, but I just needed to 
install that last package before I could continue on with my day. Soon it became an obsession, it 
just took over my life. All I could think about every waking hour of the day was getting home to 
that apt-get update && dselect to see if there was anything new for me to install.
It was not so much an addiction, as a way of life. I needed that hit of fresh packages to keep me going.

At first it was ok, I'd be with a group of people and we'd all just sit there casually updating our 
systems. Having a great chat about the latest versions and a quiet joke about Redhat users. Then it 
started to become an obsession. I'd come home alone and spend hours pouring over package lists. I'd 
even remove important parts of the subsystems just to be able to get the satisfaction that comes 
with that clean install. I shunned the graphical interfaces, reveling in the command line. Fondling 
every key as I scrolled through the list. I'd sit and play with the keys, just feeling the texture, 
without actually typing anything. When people called I pretended I was watching TV or playing some 
music, I could not let people know Debian was taking over my life.

I needed help. One day a "friend" mentioned to me about this support group, and so here I am. You 
can't help someone who won't help themselves, and to be honest I don't really want to be rid of this 
addiction, but I need help controlling my behavior. Slowing down my updates and returning to a 
normal and happy Debian life..

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