[plug] Nero launches a version for Linux.

Brad Campbell brad at wasp.net.au
Thu Mar 17 13:51:52 WST 2005

Carl Gherardi wrote:

> I've been impressed by this.
> When downloading you have the choice of a single rpm or deb file,
> unlike most commercial vendors who either make you use a custom
> installer, or choose one of 15 different versions, specifically aimed
> at each distro version. Big tick for providing a .deb aswell as rpm.

I'm quite happy with X-CDroast, growisofs and cdrecord myself. Having said that, I'm actually 
tempted to buy a copy. For two reasons.

A) I like to support companies that support linux.

B) I'm a pretty strong linux advocate and have been using it for a while. People know this and often 
ask me to show them my system and how easy it is to use. When I can show them things like Win4Lin, 
Wine and Nero it makes them more comfortable knowing their favorite windows tools (remember motor 
memory and basic familiarity) have linux equivalents or run under linux.

Sure, I use unzip from the command line. But my mother knows Winzip backwards, and when she can 
click on the winzip icon on my desktop and actually get winzip, or Nero and actually get Nero, it 
makes linux just that much more accessible and less scary.

*BIG* tick for supplying .deb. Win4Lin are doing this with Win4Lin-Pro also. Another Big Tick.

"Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability
to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable
for their apparent disinclination to do so." -- Douglas Adams

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