[plug] Simple bandwidth throttling

Matthew Lambie mlambie at thefrontiergroup.com.au
Thu Mar 31 10:50:35 WST 2005

On Thu, 2005-03-31 at 10:33 +0800, Matthew Lambie wrote:
> Good Morning all,
> I sit on a 512/512 ADSL link at work, and have found that running a
> daily "apt-get dist-upgrade" on my Ubuntu Hoary laptop saturates the
> link to a point that SSH is unresponsive :(
> Does anyone know of a simple app (if it's packaged for Ubuntu you get
> cred++) that will allow me to throttle bandwidth in a similar way to
> wget's "--limit=20k" capabilities? Perhaps I can pipe the dist-upgrade
> command to it with a limit flag? 

After further searching, I found "trickle" which is doing what I want.

sudo trickle -s -d 20 apt-get dist-upgrade

More info: 
- http://www.wlug.org.nz/DebianNotes
- http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20342
- http://ezine.daemonnews.org/200405/trickle.html



Matthew Lambie
Technical Director

Suite 17/44 Kings Park Road
West Perth, WA  6005

w: http://thefrontiergroup.com.au
e: mlambie at thefrontiergroup.com.au
f: +61 (08) 6263 4444
m: +61 408 866 997

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