[plug] sudo don't

WolfBite wolfbite_aus at yahoo.com
Wed May 4 14:46:41 WST 2005

thanks for the info

my understanding of security is that if you set
specifics, that is the ONLY settings that apply

by using ALL you make portability and access easier
(esp with multiple machine)

but locking down a set machine, if you set the
specifics of access, you lock it down better.

(the old ease of use over security nightmare :)

--- Cameron Patrick <cameron at patrick.wattle.id.au>
> WolfBite wrote:
> > localhost doesnt work for me(?)
> > replace exact same command with 192....  works
> > (localhost reconized by browser&ping)
> It's more common to give ALL for the host name
> unless you're sharing
> the same /etc/sudoers file across a bunch of
> machines.  Giving ALL for
> the hostname _doesn't_ allow arbitrary people from
> over the network to
> run commands on your machine, it just disables any
> checking of your
> machine's hostname against the one given in the
> sudoers file.
> While the sudoers man page is a bit inscrutable (in
> true Linux style),
> there's some good stuff in the examples section at
> the end - although
> the examples are generally of more complex uses of
> sudo.
> Cameron.
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