[plug] "Hyper-Threading, suffers from a serious security flaw,"

Leon Blackwell leon at lostrealm.com
Sat May 14 20:02:14 WST 2005

On Sat, May 14, 2005 at 02:01:28AM +0800, Open Source.Lives wrote:
> For those who used other open source OS...

Although it hasn't been acknowledged to be a linux, Windows or whatever
else problem, the flaw sounds like it is a hardware issue.  That would
mean that it applies to all operating systems (that support

The biggest clue:

> The flaw affects all operating systems, and for a secure multi-user
> environment essentially requires that Hyper-Threading be disabled.

Given the amount of time he's been working on this, I'd be particularly
interested to know what Intel have been doing to resolve the issue.

 Leon Blackwell                | Millions long for immortality who do
 http://the.lostrealm.com/     | not know what to do with themselves on
 jabber:lionfire at lostrealm.com | a rainy Sunday afternoon.
                               |                           -- Susan Ertz

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