[plug] Best setup for mail server

Timothy White weirdit at gmail.com
Fri May 20 01:24:05 WST 2005

I am setting up a new Linux server to server mail, Windows Logins, and
Linux Logins. i am using the dovecot imapd and postfix. Home dir's
will have a sub folder called Documents that is shared out as users
"My Documents" and the home directory is shared out as the profiles
dir. Linux obviously gets home dir's as per usual. I am trying to work
out what to do with the mail system.
I remember with exim that somehow mail would always find it's way into
my Maildir and when I got a procmail script it went through that then
into my maildir if it didn't match any rules. So, how can I set it up
so that it stores mail in Maildir's so mail goes into there if no
procmail or .forward file is present? I used exim before and am not
used to postfix.

Also, where should i have the maildir? I can go with ~/Maildir or
What would be best?

Looking for answers.


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