[plug] Groups explained?

Matthew Lambie mlambie at thefrontiergroup.com.au
Wed May 25 13:29:25 WST 2005

I've installed Eclipse and want to have a play with some plugins. I made
a group 'eclipse' and 'sudo adduser root eclipse' and 'sudo adduser
mlambie eclipse'. I then 'chown root:eclipse * -R' and 'chmod g+w * -R'
the /opt/eclipse install path.

But this happens:

mlambie at stormshadow:/opt$ ls -l
total 4
drwxrwxr-x  6 root eclipse 4096 2005-05-25 11:47 eclipse
mlambie at stormshadow:/opt$ cd eclipse/
mlambie at stormshadow:/opt/eclipse$ touch test
touch: cannot touch `test': Permission denied
mlambie at stormshadow:/opt/eclipse$ groups
mlambie adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev lpadmin scanner
mlambie at stormshadow:/opt/eclipse$ groups mlambie
mlambie : mlambie adm dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev
lpadmin scanner admin eclipse
mlambie at stormshadow:/opt/eclipse$ whoami
mlambie at stormshadow:/opt/eclipse$ cat /etc/group | grep eclipse

I don't get it. I seem to be both in and out of the eclipse group. As
such, I don't have write access to the plugins directory, and can't
install any plugins through the IDE.

It's like groups has a cache or something that I need to refresh?


Matthew Lambie
Technical Director

Suite 17/44 Kings Park Road
West Perth, WA  6005

w: http://thefrontiergroup.com.au
e: mlambie at thefrontiergroup.com.au
f: +61 (08) 6263 4444
m: +61 408 866 997

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