[plug] graphics cards and linux

Quintin Lette qlette at gmail.com
Tue Sep 6 22:01:13 WST 2005

I have the non light version and its fine under linux (inc 3d), but my
guess is you probably want an AGP card (based on what its replacing,
unless ofcourse you're updating the nainboard too)

On 9/6/05, Caleb Duggan <caleb.duggan at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've been playing America's army quite a bit lately and ive noticed that
> it performs much better under windows than under linux.........i was
> wondering if its that my graphics card isnt supported very well under
> linux......the card is a Radeon 9200SE.......ive heard that radeon cards
> dont perform aswell as nvidia cards in linux, is this true?.....
> Im thinking about buying a new graphics card soon anyway.......can anyone
> reccommend an ok linux-friendly graphics card? i would like to spend less
> than $200 on it.....was hopeing to spend around $150...
> At PLE, i saw the following card
> VC NVIDIA GEFORCE 6600LE PCIe/256MB/TV/DVI #    $139
> Would that be well supported in linux?
> --
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