[plug] ArachNet sale to AmCom...

Adrian Woodley Adrian at ScreamingRoot.org
Thu Sep 8 13:47:33 WST 2005

We've had some pretty bad experiences with AmCom at work. Their fibre
network is pretty useless, and I don't think they could find their own
collective arses with two hands and street directory. I wouldn't trust
them to plug a cat5 in the right way. I'll be looking to jump ship in
the not to distant future, as soon as I've sorted out a hosting
arrangement at work. Someone like Westnet will probably be on the cards.

(Any AmCom employees who're on this list, fix our fibre connection and
I'll take it all back).

Adrian Woodley

Are you a Screamer?

On Wed, 2005-09-07 at 12:15 +0800, Leon Brooks wrote:
> ...is the ADSL and dialup business _only_, so apparently cusotmers 
> (roughly 5000 ADSL and 5000 dialup) average out in value at something 
> like $150 apiece.
> This looks like good news in general for ArachNet dialup and ADSL 
> customers, since AmCom has large ADSL resources and is about to DSLAM 
> something like 20 new exchanges (http://www.amnet.com.au/dslam.aspx) of 
> which 16 appear to be in WA. And I'm very pleased to note that one of 
> those is Wanneroo, due in November. Since AFAICT I'm about 500m form 
> the exchange, I should be able to get a 2Mb SHDSL link when that 
> happens.
> ArachNet will continue in the hosting business for the foreseeable 
> future.
> They're expected to release a joint statement later today or early 
> tomorrow.
> Cheers; Leon

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