[plug] [Slightly-OT] Computer for Paralysed
Arie Hol
arie99 at ozemail.com.au
Thu Sep 15 17:36:50 WST 2005
On 15 Sep 2005 at 11:00, Timothy White wrote:
> My neighbour was paralysed from the next down earlier this year in a
> bicycle accident. This obviously means he can't use a computer in the
> same fashion as he previously could.
> He would like to be able to use a computer again as he was just
> starting back at TAFE as a lecturer and even though he's not able to
> continue doing that as he was, he would still like to be able to get
> lecture notes 'typed' up, use emails. Basically he wants to be self
> reliant in using a computer again.
It may be worth while contacting the Student Equity office at Murdoch Uni, details :
Ms Gerri Box
Manager, Student Equity, Health & Counselling
Office of Student Administration & Support
Directorate of Student Services, Marketing & International Affairs
Murdoch University
South St Murdoch Western Australia 6150
Tel: +61+8+9360 6146
Fax: +61+8+9360 6502
Another person at Murdoch is a lecturer named Andrew Turk, he may be able to help you.
There is also a guy called George Georgiadis (check spelling) at the Murdoch Guild - he provides
recycled computers to disadvantaged students ( and rumour has it that he about to get govenrment
funding for the service he provides) he may also be able to help.
It may also be worth your while to contact the other uni's to see if they can help you.
Another idea - contact the Disability Services Commission and make this government department
aware of the need for these type of facilities/services.
I have been on a Disability Pension for 13 years, and most government departments are apathetic to
people whose needs are diffferent to the majority - most things just go into the "Too Hard Basket".
Good luck with your efforts in this regard, please keep me posted about your progress.
Regards Arie
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