[plug] Mandrake LE2005 Sound

Richard Meyer meyerri at westnet.com.au
Sat Sep 24 15:50:00 WST 2005

On Sat, 2005-09-24 at 12:32 +0800, David Dartnall wrote:

> Thanks also for the advice re SoundBlaster cards. I'll buy one.
> Further to the above though:
> Sequence of events:
>  Skype running
>  No sound
>  Return KDE sound system to 'defaults'
>  message 'error initialising sound driver.. Device or resource busy..'
>  No sound
>  Close skype
>  Return KDE sound system to 'defaults'
>  Sound back
>  Open skype
>  make successful call to home phone
>  try again to home phone unsuccessful - 'Call failed'
>  Again no system sound...
> regards
> DD
Dave, I was looking here
http://surrey.lug.org.uk/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?TravelMate4100WLMi for info on
laptops, and under sound he mentioned a problem with Skype.

I took the liberty of cutting and pasting ;-)

> The sound system is correctly detected and seems to work. 
> I use the [Skype] VOIP telephone-over-internet service as they have a
> Linux client available. It works well and I have used it PC-to-PC and
> have both outgoing and incoming landline telephone service. It even
> works behind our company firewall and http-proxy. 
> Sorry... I went off a half cocked here... The following fixes the
> problem on my desktop but only makes the situation better on the Acer
> (if nothing has made a sound for a coupke of seconds Skype works.)
> When first installed on this machine Skype starts fine but hangs
> whenever a call is originated or received (It worked fine on FC3.)
> Originally I thought this was a networking problem but upon further
> investigation it became clear it was related to the sound system. The
> Enlightenment Sound Daemon (esd) runs on Ubuntu and prevents Skype
> from gaining exclusive access to the sound hardware and Skype just
> hangs. Audacity also fails to work saying it cannot initialise the
> audio I/O layer. These problems can be fixed by replacing esd with
> polypaudio as follows:
>      1. Open a terminal
>      2. Type sudo apt-get update
>      3. Type sudo apt-get install polypaudio
>      4. Say "y" to all the questions

HTH  (in fact I hope it may be related somehow ;-)  )
Richard Meyer <meyerri at westnet.com.au>
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