[plug] Debian non-US testing

J Michael Gilks mike.gilks at westnet.com.au
Sun Sep 25 17:54:40 WST 2005

Is it just me or is there not a Debian non-US testing distribution out there.
I am setting up a new server at home and thought I might push my luck a bit 
and go for testing as the dist but all the mirrors I can find only have
as the dists in debian-non-US
sarge is the latest stable. I should be looking for testing or etch but it 
doesn't appear anywhere.
Etch is included in debian-security.
The question is can I safely upgrade the dist to testing (etch) and leave 
non-US as stable(sarge) or is this tempting fate.
A better question would probably be where can I find a mirror with non-US 
testing on it.

Thanks in advance.


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