[plug] Website, Seminars, Workshop, Mugshots

Timothy White weirdit at gmail.com
Sat Apr 1 21:21:32 WST 2006

Just a general heads up for all.

The website HAS been updated, including a new section for mugshots for
committee members (some committee members still need to get a mugshot
photo, and ether send it to me, or upload it to their plug web space,
so I can link it in), and download links for the January Seminar Audio
recordings. (Video still sitting around not doing anything atm, and a
little large in it's present form to provide for downloading.)

Also, a general call for talk topics, and speakers. Know someone who
has an interesting job in the IT/Linux/Other Geek area? Is it
something that maybe list members would be interested in? Are they
willing to give us a talk about it? It doesn't have to be long, and
the only talk for the night. If we get 3 short talks, then we just get
3 doses of geekness!

Please, if you can do a talk, or know someone who may want to do a
talk, don't just sit there. The talks won't happen without the support
of all the members, and most of the committee members are ether full
time students, or work full time, or even attempt to do both! Are you
working on some interesting project? Let us know!

Lastly, is there interest in the hacker nights again? Is someone
willing to organise it, find a location and a time? If you are, let me
know, I'll put it up on the events page, and even send out emails on
the announce list if you want!

Wake up PLUG! The committee needs your support, so we can have a good
year, and help get things happening, you start the ball rolling,
someone will help keep it rolling!


Linux Counter user #273956

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