[plug] Mandriva users only - the rest don't look ;-)

Bennett, Phillip Phillip.Bennett at bestroads.com.au
Mon Apr 10 12:05:03 WST 2006

-----Original Message-----
From: plug-bounces at plug.org.au [mailto:plug-bounces at plug.org.au] On
Behalf Of Gregory Orange
Sent: Monday, 10 April 2006 11:37
To: plug at plug.org.au
Subject: Re: [plug] Mandriva users only - the rest don't look ;-)

All right all right, I'll top-post.

Using ftp in a shell I get same as you Phil - although FireFox gave me
strange output (but not at the Japanese site). It looks a little like
the root directory of a Mandriva CD actually. autorun.inf, LICENSE.txt,
release-notes.txt... you get the idea. For specific reference:
Anyway, I'm all sorted now, just off to find a blank DVD somewhere in
the cupboard.



OK.  Your problem is as follows:  "You didn't read it properly"  :")

Sorry, feeling cheeky today. :)

If you look at your path, you're missing the ISO part after the OFFICIAL
part.  Have a look and see the difference between your path and the one
I pasted.

A simple error, anyone could make it.


Here is it for comparison :  Yours:
				     Mine :

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