[plug] Open Office Calc - conclusion!

Dave Dartnall darts at dialix.com.au
Mon Aug 7 21:31:21 WST 2006

Dave Dartnall wrote:
> hatari wrote:
>> Dave, sounds like a permissions thing on the file. 
>> Dave Dartnall wrote:
>>> Perhaps an Oo guru could help please:
>>>     I've been using an Oo spreadsheet for a couple of years and  
>>> tonight when I opened it to add/modify data I was notified that it 
>>> had been opened in read only mode..
>>> Dave Dartnall

It's interesting that this problem has been encountered before. Thank 
you all for your input, all very informative for me.
     Bringing the matter to a conclusion:
	1. reboot didn't work
	2. ps aux did not seem to indicate a running calc.
	3. the computer is not on a network
	4. neither permissions or document protection change helped.
	5. in view of Bernd's comments I wasn't game to use killall -9
I eventually tried opening another existing spreadsheet which also had 
the same problem and decided the fault was with open office.

I entered "sudo urpmi -upgrade openoffice" in a console and the problem 
was solved. Three library packages downloaded and installed and bingo!
I'm sorry that I didn't keep a record of them tho'.

Thanks again for your feedback.

Dave Dartnall

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