Semi-offtopic - sacrilege - Re: [plug] dual-boot "gamers" machine h/w suggestions please?

Gavin Chester sales at
Thu Dec 7 00:03:21 WST 2006

On Wed, 2006-12-06 at 18:27 +0800, Cameron Patrick wrote:
> Caleb Duggan wrote:
> > A little off-topic but, is there a quicker way to switch between windows  
> > and linux without completely restarting the computer? so like drop back  
> > the the stage where the bootloader comes up.
> VMware.
> Or buy two computers and use a KVM switch.

A "me too" post ;-)  

I second that.  Until recently I had some legacy apps that I was running
in win98, and the easiest thing to do it was have a low-spec PC on the
side and a cheap KVM switch to change between it and my main Linux box.
OTOH, there are software equivalents, tho' ATM I can't remember the name
of that project that allows you to switch between linux and windows w/o
KVM hardware :-/  

I am a die-hard PC user, but when it comes to "appliances" like gaming
machines or entertainment centres (refer recent posts), I reckon that
you really have to just accept that a dedicated consumer appliance
leaves a custom-built PC for dead.  Want to record TV with time shift?
Buy a DVD recorder or dedicated hard drive recorder.  Want to do gaming?
Buy an Xbox or PS2.  Sorry if that offends the sensibilities of some
delicate souls, but I firmly believe in "horses for courses" - even if
it is a challenge and fun to make your ol' horse run a different
course ;-)

My $0.02, and I reckon it's priceless ;-)


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