[plug] MP3 player that plays .ogg format

Alex Nordstrom lx at se.linux.org
Sun Dec 10 11:44:20 WST 2006

Sunday, 10 December 2006 10:46, gavan at iinet.net.au wrote:
> My iRiver H320 recently had an unfortunate and unplanned underwater
> experience, and so I find myself in the market for a new player. 
> iRivers range isn't as good as it used to be, the only hard-disk
> player I can find now is the E10 with a measly 6GB storage.  So, does
> anyone know of a player with around 20GB HDD that will play .ogg
> format (all my music is in that format, & given all my stuff is in a
> storage locker I'm not in a position to re-encode all my CDs to
> another format).
> I know this question came up on this list a few years back, which is
> where I first heard about iRiver, but I don't think it has come up
> recently.

I don't know what your price range is, but I'm currently drooling over 
the Iaudio A2, a full-on PMP with USB host capabilities to unload your 
camera in the field at $560 from minidisc.com.au. If that's a little 
out of your price range and you don't care so much about movies, then 
the X5 comes in at the slightly more reasonable $365.

Alex Nordstrom
Please do not CC me in followups; I am subscribed to plug.
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