[plug] social get together

Alex Polglaze apolglaze at book-keepingnetwork.com.au
Sun Dec 17 11:55:50 WST 2006

We have the opportunity to hold a film night early in the season of 
"Happy Feet". The first, fully animated Australian  feature film that 
has been taking the world by storm. It blitzed both Borat and Casino 
Royale in the US on the first weekend.

For those who don't know, it is all about penguins.

I think it is a good idea for SLPWA's, PLUGgers and other followers of 
the Penguin to get together occasionally for a good time.

If we get enough takers (around 200) we can get the tickets for less 
than the going price.

Proposed date 3rd January at around 7.00-7.30pm at Warwick cinemas Warwick.

If you are interested, let me know with numbers attending. Friends, 
family and colleagues more than welcome.

Alex Polglaze

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