[PLUG] Trying to get photos off my usb camera card reader.
Leon Brooks
leon at cyberknights.com.au
Sun Jan 1 11:53:14 WST 2006
On Sunday 01 January 2006 08:52, Lee Jamieson wrote:
> I'm using Xandros and I am trying to get my camera pictures off my XD
> card. I have a USB card reader and I can't seem to find the card
> itself.
Please paste the results of these (may have to do some or all as root):
ls /dev/sd*
HotPlug should be doing all of this for you, but the (100% manual)
procedure is (as root):
(plug in device)
modprobe usb-storage
mount /dev/sda1 /path/to/somewhere
(read/write from /path/to/somewhere)
umount /dev/sda1
(unplug device)
If you're interested, I have a BASH script which looks first for some
known cameras and if found does a PTP transfer from them, else looks
for known card-readers and if found copies the JPEGs/MPGs/MOVs from
The end result is images named dscYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS_NN.jpg (NN being the
serial number, the dates being taken form the EXIF information in the
images) in one subdirectory named YYYYMMDDX/ (the X being nothing for
the first download in a day, "a" for the second, "b" for the third, and
so on.
Cheers; Leon
http://cyberknights.com.au/ Modern tools; traditional dedication
http://plug.linux.org.au/ Member, Perth Linux User Group
http://slpwa.asn.au/ Member, Linux Professionals WA
http://osia.net.au/ Member, Open Source Industry Australia
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