[plug] function error

Mr E_T troll at arach.net.au
Wed Jan 11 21:48:29 WST 2006

On Wednesday 11 January 2006 21:50, Jon Miller wrote:
> I'm trying to get this function to work , what I need is for it to read the contents of a file and print it to screen 1 line at a time.
> The username2.txt file consists of a names 1 per line.  I just need to to increment 1 name at a time which if I understand the while statement while line1 is less than 10 it should keep reading and increment by 1.  Is the incrementing a built-in feature of bash while loop.  If I'm right in C or C++ you had to have to use something like "line +1" or " ++line1"
I assume that you want the line to be greater than 10 chars 

> #!/bin/bash
> # Reading lines in /etc/fstab.
> File=username2.txt
> function test {
while read LN
    if [ "${#line1}" < 10 ]
> } < $File
> done
> echo "First line in $File is:"
> echo "$line1"
> echo
> exit 0
> }
> test();

regs MR E_T
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  \   OOHH I hate TYPOS  \
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