[plug] Bad EIP Value continued

Joong Cho joongcho at westnet.com.au
Sat Jan 21 21:09:32 WST 2006

Hey all,

You may remember me asking about this several months ago, or last year. I 
tried a new RAM module today and the problem still props up. So could it be 
related to another hardware issue altogether or would I have to reinstall 

Also, when I start debian and come to the blue screen, at the top it says 
GNU GRUB version 0.95 (639K lower / 1045696K upper memory ). Could this be 
the problem with the low lower memory and is there a way to fix this without 
resorting to getting a new hardware or reinstalling the software?

And how do you run memtest86 again?


Joong Cho
Joong Cho Enterprises

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