[plug] NIC diagnostics

Ryan King ryank at globaldial.com
Tue Jan 24 13:45:51 WST 2006

Jon Miller wrote:
> Is there a way to check the condition of a NIC card in Debian.  I have tried several NIC (2 Intel Pro/1000 GT, 2 3COM and now I'm trying 2 Netgear).  So far the Intel and 3COM are not working.
> Only 1 of the nics seems to work when 2 are present.  They both show up in lspci and they both load up as eth0 and eth1, but during a ping test only 1 will work.
> These cards are plugged into a riser (which may be faulty), but there is no way to prove it.
> I thought it would be best to troubleshoot the NIC separately first then work my way back to the riser.
> Thanks

try mii-tool or ethtool


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