[plug] open office

Craig Dyke grail at westnet.com.au
Tue Jan 31 13:16:02 WST 2006

m2c: Until someone figures away to translate all the macros I write in 
vba (which although crap is your only
choice with excel) I am stuck. Other than that I have been using OO2 for 
a while and find it to be quite useful.


W.Kenworthy wrote:

>In practice - maybe.
>Better questions would be does OO do everything I want to do, and how
>compatible with excel do I need to be?
>I find it reasonably compatible for lightweight use (office type
>spreadsheets) - deal with a lot of office docs sent to me.  One "nice"
>gotcha last year was when saving in OO it undeleted a whole lot of
>history (deleted worksheets) in one file I returned - didnt that cause
>some consternation until it was explained!
>Gnumeric is somewhat better in many ways as it doesnt try to be an excel
>clone.  Things like 64000 columns and usablity are better for what I do.
>Basicly, if I am dealing with excel files I will use OOcalc unless I run
>into size restrictions, otherwise gnumeric.  I think OO handles some
>excel charts and graphics whereas gnumeric doesnt.
>I still have to keep access to a copy of excel for some files.  OO2
>seems better, but I have not used it as extensively yet.
>On Tue, 2006-01-31 at 11:04 +0800, Alex Polglaze wrote:
>>G'day All,
>>Now here's a question.
>>Is Open Office spreadsheet as good as Excel?
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