Tim Bowden tim.bowden at westnet.com.au
Fri Jul 21 12:52:12 WST 2006

On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 21:39 +0800, Richard Meyer wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-07-20 at 21:29 +0800, Denis Brown wrote:
> > At 10:20 AM 19/07/2006, Tomasz Grzegurzko wrote:
> > >I'm in too. Novell always have impressed me, this should be excellent..
> > 
> > <distro-war = NO>
> > 

<snip Mr Brown's praise of debian (& related distros)...>



> I read about someone using apt to upgrade SUSE from 8.x to 9.x (IIRC) -
> it required a few circumlocutions, but then it worked really well, but I
> haven't heard of anyone doing the upgrade you mentioned.
> Probably just as well that Debian is easy to upgrade - it was an
> absolute pig to install  ;-) so doing it once was probably enough. - -
> OK I'm talking as someone who has installed and run Slackware in the
> kernel 1.0 days - I can even remember the feeling of running kernel
> 1.3.20 (like have the squits, and no underwear) - sorta liberating, but
> scary at the same time.  ;-)   And I have never had a good Debian
> installation experience.
> > 
> > Denis
> > 
> Cheers
> RM


Mr Meyer, Clearly your inability to have a 'good' debian install
experience is way out of date and unrepresentative of the state of play.
How could anyone want anything other than a disk of debian goodness when
presented with a virgin (or not so virgin) laptop or pc desktop or mac
or sparc workstation or ...

Yes, it's that time again.  Following the success of the vim wars late
last year (won by vim of course) it's time for all to put your money
where your mouth is and support your favourite linux distro in true

Turn your favourite flame war topic into /real/ pain (hopefully for the
unwashed masses supporting the wrong distro) and join in defending the
honour of your favourite distro[1].

If you're interested, put your name in the hat (or on the list); at this
stage no obligation, just a rough indicator of numbers.  We will need a
few more than for the vim wars (laser tag) and the price is a bit higher
(abt $80 or so?) but so is the fun.

So who's in?

Tim Bowden

[1]  We can only have two teams so it's probably .deb v .rpm distros.
Gentoo nuts will have to make a painful decision (and more pain on the
battle field if you get it wrong? ;-)

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