[plug] Gnome Beautification Project

John Knight anarchist_tomato at hotmail.com
Fri Jun 2 11:11:42 WST 2006

All I can really say is less grey, and just add a bit more colour, should 
help a lot (I hate the 'beige' way of doing things, it's inhuman). Other 
than that, I've seen GNOME looking pretty swank with some tweaking. :)

"...it was brilliant, there was three up against a thousand, and boy, did we 
give those three heaps!"

>Hi everyone,
>The last thing I want here is a KDE vs Gnome war, but just wanted some
>people's opinions on how to get Gnome looking a little nicer.  I've always
>been a KDE user, and use fluxbox on lower spec hardware.  Out of the box,
>it's (KDE) nothing special, but with a bit of a poke and prod, new icons,
>different window decoration and a theme it comes to life and looks like a
>nice modern XP Killer.
>Now, my proper journey into full time use of Gnome has begun on my laptop
>(Ubuntu 6.06 w/o KDE).  Some things about it I like, the file manager is
>fantastic, and gnome seems to have a lot more little features tied into the
>UI a bit like MacOSX or something.
>Can anyone recommend any themes, websites or customisations to enrich the
>Gnome experience even further?
>Now, you probably think I'm a superficial user who spends all his time
>making his GUI look exactly the way he wants it and likens its
>advantages/disadvantages to other superior/inferior OS's and Window
>Managers.  I'm not, but if I'm using a computer full time I like to get the
>most out of the experience.  In the end, I spend the bulk of my time 
>inside a terminal anyway, but I still like to like the look of it.
>Any suggestions?
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