[plug] fluxbox and dual screens

Adam Davin byteme-its at westnet.com.au
Tue Jun 6 16:30:19 WST 2006

Hello All, 

On Tue, 6 Jun 2006 10:19:06 +0800
"Daniel Foote" <freefoote at gmail.com> wrote:

> > I have set up two monitors, with a different resolution on both.
> > its working ok, except I can figure out how to drag a window from
> > one monitor to the other.  The mouse cursor jumps screens fine, but
> > leaves any windows or icons behind - is it possible to grag from
> > one screen to the other?
> You're missing the Xinerama extention in the X config. Add to your
> serverflags section:
> Option "Xinerama"
> And then the two monitors will appear as one head. As long as your
> window manager supports Xinerama properly, you're set.
> (I use XFCE which has excellent Xinerama support... don't know about
> fluxbox).
> Currently, without Xinerama, you now have two heads: :0.0 and :0.1. If
> you want to keep them seperate, you can start programs on one or the
> other by setting the appropriate DISPLAY. But you can't then move
> them.
> > Also, what happens if I take the ext monitor off, and find later
> > that an application I need is running on the other screen - can I
> > access it somehow without requiring an external monitor?
> Window manager dependant. In Windows land you could right click on the
> taskbar icon and select "move" and then keyboard move it back onto the
> screen. It's up to your window manager to be able to do this. In XFCE,
> you could ALT+TAB to it and then CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+Cursor to move it
> back.

The way I handle this situation is using the following line in the
screen section of the xorg.conf file:
Option         "MetaModes" "1280x1024, 1280x1024; 1024x768, 1024x768;
800x600,800x600; 640x480,640x480; 1280x1024,NULL"

(All on one line)
The last entry sets up the Xserver to use just one screen, still with
the entire desktop. I use this when using games as otherwise they try
to sit in the middle of the two screens (ie half on one and half on the
other. Rather difficult to play...)

For the record I am using XFCE4 with 2x19" lcd running at 1280x1024 on
each with xinerama. 



Adam Davin
Byteme IT Services
Mob: 0422 893 898
Fax: 08 9493 4462
Email: byteme-its at westnet.com.au

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