[plug] Oxymoron: Microsoft, innovation

Kev kdownes at tpg.com.au
Mon Jun 19 21:59:19 WST 2006

Cameron Patrick wrote:

> Right.  Unfortunately, users often don't know what they want any better
> than programmers.

Users _seldom_ have a clue just exactly what they want.

> Both groups have a tendency to think in terms of
> features rather than what they want to achieve with the software.  Free
> software _should_ give users and programmers a better opportunity to
> communicate about these kinds of things, but it doesn't help when people
> (on all sides) are overly confrontational.

People don't bitch about M$'s user interface because they simply get 
what they're given.  On the other hand, absence of choice definitely 
does claear the mind.  :-)

Kev Downes
kdownes at tpg.com.au  ph 0404 7 0808 2
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