[plug] Printer question

Dave Dartnall darts at dialix.com.au
Tue Jun 27 21:22:46 WST 2006

Martin De'Pannone wrote:
> Hi all.  Hope you can help.
> Need to buy a new printer and want to be able to use it with Linux 
> (running Ubuntu on my laptop).  My wife's laptop runs XP :-(
> I would want to network the printer off my file server (Windows Server 
> 2000) - however, this box is likely to be changed over to Linux as 
> well shortly (like my web/email server) so need to buy with the future 
> in mind.
> Can any of you recommend a printer that will work with XP and Linux - 
> would prefer one that comes with Linux drivers as well ad XP drivers.
> Cheers in advance.
It's interesting that some of the responses have suggested laser 
printers. Are they B/W or colour and if colour, what sort of resolution, 
photo quality output do you get?

 From personal experience I'd recommend Epson Stylus Photo range if 
you're still interested in an inkjet. Mine is an R210 but current models 
seem to be R230 - 5 colour and one black cartridge. Linux drivers (in 
contrast to Canon which are not), are available and colour quality is 
Consumable costs, even with Epson printers and their chipped cartridges 
can be controlled with refillable ink, cartridges and chip resetter 
available from www.inkbank.com.au.

Well worth a try.

good luck
Dave Dartnall

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