[plug] leon brooks podcast
Alex Polglaze
apolglaze at book-keepingnetwork.com.au
Fri Mar 3 22:24:38 WST 2006
Ok guys,
here it is straight from Lucy
> Here's another suggestion, which may have some merit,
> Hey, just got a cool idea.. We could do up a Pod cast for Leon of
> Linux related news..
> A sort of consolidated collection of readings from weekly releases like:
> distrowatch weekly newsletter
> Linuxdevices weekly newsletter
> Stories from /. and Groklaw
> If mandrake has some similar setup..
> etc
> Give Lucy a voice break and Leon up to date on the latest happenings..
> follow up;
> > I guess the best Question to ask first is would Lucy mind us doing that?
> > I have a spare MP3 player I can loan for as long required, and I
> > presume being in a hospital a headset environment would be more
> > polite...
> This is up to you Lucy, but I think it might be a good idea.
I think it would be an EXCELLENT idea.
thanks the guys for me, I do appreciate the support, and I never would have
thought of that! an MP3 player is great as long as it is battery operated,
(which it is, yes? I am not up on these things!) he cannot wear earphones,
but I put the earphones of the tape player next to his ear. The hospital also
has a couple of CD players which can be played for patients' benefit.
thanks, Lucy xx
Well there it is straight from Lucy.
If you guys get it together. We can make it happen.
Over to you.
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