[plug] debconf 6, funding/ideas request

Paul Wise pabs3 at bonedaddy.net
Mon Mar 13 16:42:40 WST 2006

On Mon, 2006-03-13 at 12:05 +0800, Jonathan Young wrote:

> > Anyone going to debconf6 in Mexico this year, or is anyone in a position
> > to be able to sponsor partial travel costs to allow a prospective WA
> > debian developer to attend?
> Are you planning to attend?


> If so, are you looking for someone else who's attending so that they
> could go on your behalf or so you can get together to plan and/or save
> on the trip?

The latter.

> Or driving to the Eastern States? ;)

Not sure if that would be cheaper, an option to consider tho.

> So what if all the Debian fans on the list (myself included) donated a
> dollar.  How much would it raise?

Given the subthread, seems like Debian isn't used in WA, so this would
be very little.

> Also, as an aside, what's in it for us to have an attendee in person at
> the conf?

Given the subthread, debconf doesn't seem relevant to this list, so
nothing, apart perhaps from any work I might do during debcamp that
happens to be sent upstream or to a Debian derivative. Ignoring the
subthread, if anyone is interested, I could probably write something
about my experiences there. What would people like to get out of my
attendance of the conference?


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