[plug] External monitor on sony laptop

Brad Campbell brad at wasp.net.au
Tue May 16 17:46:38 WST 2006

simon wrote:
> Brad Campbell (brad at wasp.net.au) wrote:
>> Still have not been able to map the Eject key or Volume keys yet.. Everything else seems
>> pretty good
>> ootb.
> Have you tried 'hotkeys'?

I'll have a squiz at it.. the issue is the eject, vol+, vol- and AV mode buttons use some funky sony 
extended interface and the sonypi driver in the latest kernels reports all the 4 buttons as the same 
button. So there is something else I need to look at perhaps..
I've cheated at the moment and used the play, stop, ff & rew buttons to do the dirty work as I don't 
use 'em in the media player anyway, but I'm sure there is a better way.

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to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable
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