[plug] partition recovery - stupid fdisk mistake

philC philcal at smartchat.net.au
Wed May 17 21:44:36 WST 2006

Yep- stupid me,

In attempting to reformat a ext3 to fat partition I ran the fdisk o option then the w write to disk -Big mistake! I've now got only one useless partition with all my data on the other 5 -which will be  inaccessible after a reboot. 

Fdisk said changes will effected on reboot. Until then I've got  full access to the disk using  the old partition table presumably in memory somewhere -not fstab, mtab perhaps in /proc? Unless the power goes off before somebody comes to my aid I should be able to recover.

  I believe there is also a duplicate table on the disk -or at least there is with windoze - in which case a dd copy should be able to fix.

Obviously I've got only one chance to rectify so all help appreciated.

How can I copy table back?

Phil C
PS Great topic to start my first post to plug !
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