[plug] cant boot system any longer

Rob Dunne rob.dunne at gmail.com
Fri May 26 18:47:17 WST 2006

Hi list,

W.Kenworthy wrote:
 > Coming to the thread late: Ive had two sata boards now that renumber the
 > sata drives differently depending if you boot from the disk, or a
 > livecd.  If you look at the grub mapping when running from the livecd,
 > and set the root to this map, the bios renumbers things when you try and
 > boot from the sata drive, and of course cant find the kernel etc.

It could. We suspected something like the kernel not being on
/dev/sda2 -- althought I tried every other name I could think of except 

Then after a bit of hunting around we decided that the problem might be
with the initrd. Some things in it looked wrong so we upgraded
from  mkinitrd- to mkinitrd-4.2.15-1.src.rpm (compiled with
the installed gcc 3.2.3)

Now the machine crashes much earlier in the boot cycle!

By the way. The thread title is misleading. I dashed off the first
message in a bit of a panic. I can boot the machine by selecting an
older kernel in the grub menu.

I think we may have to install a new distribution on a spare disk and
try that. We keep running into things we cant understand. The page I
used for information on kernal upgrading
(  http://kerneltrap.org/node/799 )
dosent mention mkinitrd at all.


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