[plug] Had to happen

Kai vk6ksj at westnet.com.au
Sat Nov 18 08:41:56 WST 2006

Lyndon Maydwell wrote:
>> Of course the other side is, how much Linux code is Microsoft using ?
>> I'm not a programmer, far from it, but to the best of my knowledge they
>> at least use some Unix/Linux code for the Windows TCP/IP stack...there
>> "could be more", so lets hype that up and claim loudly and proudly that
>> Microsoft infringes, but refuse to show any code, then drag it out in
>> court for three years +
> Please could we not.

That was a sarcastic reference to SCO who sued IBM about three years ago 
and still haven't shown any evidence of infringing code, instead, 
they're pulling everything they can to delay the case because they don't 
want to get to trial.

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