[plug] Daylight Rubbish

Kev kdownes at tpg.com.au
Fri Nov 24 13:09:25 WST 2006

Kai J wrote:

> Well har-har-de-har...seriously though, I think I mentioned it before in
> off-topic list but lets set the whole country to NT standard time and be
> done with it, sure as hell saves the problem we have now where I get to
> work at 8 by 9am it's midday in the Eastern States and they've all gone
> to lunch, then when I get to lunch at 1 it's already 4pm there and
> everyone's thinking about going home, so effective working time with
> anyone East of NT and SA is only about four hours a day and that's if
> they're in the office and answering their phones !

Well how come the world's largest economy, the USA, became, and 
maintains it's power with a 5 hour time difference across it's expanse?

If you look at the meridians by which our (here in Oz) times zones are 
set, You'll see that Perth already has about 15 - 20 mins 'daylight 
saving' and that Sydney has about 15 - 20 mins 'daylight losing'.  In 
other words, the actual effect of daylight saving, on the ground, to 
real people trying to get to sleep at night is somewhat exacerbated here 
in Perth, whilst it's diminished to Sydneysiders.  Add that to the fact 
that Perth is way and above the sunniest capital in Oz, we don't need it!

What I /would/ be interested in investigating is doing the opposite 
(daylight 'losing') during the Winter months.  That would actually have 
some benefit.

Please your 2c at the door on your way out ;-)


Kev Downes
kdownes at tpg.com.au  ph 0404 7 0808 2
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