[plug] debian/ubuntu package list copy for new install

Matt Kemner zombie at penguincare.com.au
Tue Oct 10 15:20:36 WST 2006

On Tue, 10 Oct 2006, quoth Michael Holland:

> I'd like to install on a new box all of the packages that are installed on
> an existing PC.
>   What is the appropriate way to do this? I guess just generate a text
> list of installed packages, and "apt-get install `cat my-list` "?

I haven't done this for a while, but the way I used to do it was:

existing PC: dpkg --get-selections > mylist.txt

new PC:

 o  fire up dselect, update the list, and then tell it to unselect
    everything (by moving down one category level and then holding down the "_" key)

 o  dpkg --set-selections < mylist.txt

 o  fire up dselect again, and tell it to "install"
    (you may also be able to do "apt-get dselect-upgrade" instead)

Kind Regards,

 - Matt Kemner             Perth:     Tel 08 9322 3444 Fax 08 9221 3444
  Penguin Care             Adelaide:  Tel 08 8311 1144 Fax 08 8311 1177
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