[plug] APODIO-4.3.9.iso

Dave Dartnall darts at dialix.com.au
Wed Oct 11 15:47:13 WST 2006

Richard Meyer wrote:

>On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 10:31 +0800, Dave Dartnall wrote:
>>Need help again!
>>I downloaded APODIO-4.3.9.iso last night. How do I turn this into a 
>>working bootable cd?
>>If anyone wants copies I'm happy to burn them.
>>Dave Dartnall
>Well Dave,
>If it's an iso as you say it is, fire up k3b and click on "Tools" and
>Click on "Burn CD Image" and browse for the iso. Then click on "Burn" or
>whatever it shows you, it's fairly obvious after the "Tools" bit.
Thanks Richard, thats what I was looking for- and thanks too, to Tomasz 
who incidentally provided the information regarding inspection of a 
*.iso file!

Dave D

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