[plug] Closure of OSWA
vk6ksj at westnet.com.au
Mon Oct 23 21:54:20 WST 2006
Stuart Midgley wrote:
> I posted this to the forums on the saveopensourcewa.com website... I
> would be interested in people's perspective here.
> I have watched with interest the discussion and observed the emails on
> the PLUG email list.
> What functionality of OSWA did people actually use? What functionality
> do people want in such a centre? Did people use the demonstration
> centre much? Or was it more a point of contact and advocacy?
> I'm concerned that people have jumped onto the (general) opensource
> bandwagon without clearly articulating what functionality of the centre
> or use of its resources they are concerned about.
> --
> Dr Stuart Midgley
I first saw OSWA's roadshow and met Kevin and the crew at Kimberley Expo
in Broome on the 6th of May, this year.
Photo's starting at the bottom of this page and a few more on page 4...
The advantage from a regional perspective, where most people would never
actually get to see OSWA's central office and therefore never get to see
open source outside of a home environment, is the technology on
demonstration at the roadshow and the knowledge of staff who come with
it is much greater than the resources available in remote area's, like
Our local IT group has often thought of holding a small stall all or
something at one of the shopping centre's, but our problem is getting
approval from the shop managers, then finding tables, sourcing power and
all that....on the other hand the roadshow brings all that, and
brochures, free CD's, staff with experience, advice and ready-to-go
machines on demonstration that anyone can walk up to, use and ask
questions about.
I was in Perth a little while ago, called Kevin and even though most of
the staff at OSWA were not available I got see a little bit of the
place, and had a good chat to him about a heap of stuff which we never
got around to chatting about last time he came here (Broome) to catch up
with our IT group.
I think if people knew they had choice, and they had a chance to test
it, live, right there and then and (unlike most of the Windows info
you'll get which is mostly hype) at the roadhsow they get given factual,
usefull information (eg likelihood of virus and worm infections) and
CD's with usefull stuff on it, they might be more inclined to try Linux
rather than "playing it safe" and sticking with Windows...and of course
the avantage of the roadshow, it comes to the customer !
Photographer and severe weather fanatic
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