[plug] daylight savings
Daniel Pearson (Flashware Solutions)
daniel at flashware.net
Sat Oct 28 19:36:50 WST 2006
Chris Caston wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-10-28 at 11:31 +0800, Kai wrote:
>> William Kenworthy wrote:
>>> How much havoc will this cause the doze world? - because helpful
>>> microsoft doesnt allow you to easily override Perths daylight saving
>>> value because we dont have it! Will windows update catch up? I notice
>>> gentoo regularly updates their TZ stuff, so when (if) this goes through
>>> I think a swag of bugs on the relevant distros might be in order to make
>>> sure linux stays on the ball.
>>> BillK
>>> On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 21:37 +0800, Chris Caston wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 2006-10-25 at 18:23 +0800, Patrick Coleman wrote:
>>>>> On 10/25/06, Craig Foster <craig at fostware.net> wrote:
>> Dunno...and without intending to start a flame war of often wondered why
>> we don't have an Australia wide standard time based on SA/NT time
>> because they're in the middle ? sure, we're a wide country and the sun
>> does rise earlier in the East but what effect would that have overall ?
>> PS: humorous bonus to having an Australia wide standard time is we can
>> hear JJJ at the same time all over the country :)
>> PS #2: cc'd to Off-topic list to continue there...
> Kai,
> That's an even better idea!
> Businesses can just change their opening and closing or prime times
> accordingly and firms will stop calling me at 6am because they think
> Perth is on Sydney time.
> regards,
Heh..... Amen to that, I get calls at all times of day, one of the
"joys" of looking after computer systems for a large franchise, and
being on call all the time :) Ah well.. its all about the love of the job :)
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